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YA book blogger/reviewer. Passionate reader, blogger, and aspiring writer.

Pure (Pure Trilogy)

Pure - Julianna Baggott This book. I sort of liked it and I sort of didn't. But as you can see, liked it more than disliked it. (; Four stars!I've been wanting to read this book for quite a while, first of all, because the cover is GORGEOUS (Simple covers tend to be gorgeous) and the title is so creative and the summary is so DYSTOPIAN I immediately fell in love with it. But inside I knew not to expect too much because I actually judged this book by its cover and I didn't know what to expect at all. In the end, I was pretty satisfied!There are like, a lot of POVs. 3-4. All in third person. But it kind of helps that it's in third person because if it was in 1st person I would be so lost at the alternating character voices. I picked this book as one of the books I was going to read this week because I just had this dystopia streak- yeah, visiting my favorite genre and staying for quite a while. I can never get tired of it like I get tired of contemporary romance because each dystopian world is different. I just read ONE contemporary and I couldn't stay away from the dystopia. So I read this.Anyways, as the cover says. People who are not part-cyborg are 'Pure'. Well, not necessarily cyborg, anyways. They're just humans that lost body parts and need replacements for arms legs and such. For example, the main character, Pressia, has a doll-head hand. It's kind of creeps. But then again she can't help it. It all reminds me of Marissa Meyer's Cinder since Cinder has a fake foot. (Ridiculously cool, right?)Anyways, most books just show the 'propaganda' of one side, completely alienating the other side. But this book is from both Pure and un-pure point of view. So basically they're nothing shocking when an un-pure meets a Pure or a Pure meets an un-pure. Like, "OMG! IT'S A PURE! ALIEN!" But then the un-pures were really acting like that, LOL. The point is, the reader wasn't, because they've already been introduced.The cover. The gorgeous, gorgeous cover. Mhm. That cover. It's a butterfly toy. (I hate butterflies. They're so freaking creepy.) I think it's a sort of snowglobe thing that when you twist the handle the butterfly flaps its wings. Great cover. It's gorgeous, but I still hate butterflies. How ironic.I took longer than I thought I would (2 days for 400 pages. Seriously?) and halfway through I got really tired and the plot just didn't suck me in that much. But the latter half- oh, that's a totally different story. I LOVED THE LATTER HALF. THE LATTER HALF SAVED THIS BOOK'S RATING. It's where all the action, suspense, and traces of romance APPEAR. Wow. The beginning is just not cute. But then 1/3 through it STARTED to suck me in because Pressia and Patridge met. And then it lost me again.. and then I got sucked in after.One of the characters that had a point of view, Lyda, was this girl that was trying to suck up to Patridge. Honestly, I could have cared less about her chapters. I still don't like her. But I guess other people are obliged to like her because of what she did. But I still don't like her. Patridge is such an interesting name. It's a nickname for Ripkard and they don't even sound alike. Wow. AND HE'S NOT EVEN HOT. But then I love his character. He's all very tolerant and determined and everything and still tolerant after people treat him like that just because he's Pure and they cut off his finger and even after that-- yeah. Basically my point is expressed.The romance is just wow. No. I don't like it. It's really really really really really really really really really slow and I expected Patridge and Pressia to get together but they can't because they're freaking brother and sister. Wow. Just wow. That awkward moment when they found out. It's just so awkward. And that Brad-something guy isn't really a good match for Pressia. He kissed her and she was like, omg.Anyways, that's all I really have to say. The amount of dystopia in this book is flipping amazing.Find this review on my blog: http://bookaholicness.com