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YA book blogger/reviewer. Passionate reader, blogger, and aspiring writer.


Splintered - A.G. Howard When I first heard about this book, I was pretty excited to read it. Nope, I am not disappointed. Actually, I'm very, very impressed, hence the high rating. Actually, when I first heard about this book, I didn't even know it was an Alice in Wonderland retelling. I mainly wanted to read this because it was a new release in the YA category. And, knowing me, I go for all the new releases.First off, the cover. The cover is so cool. It looks like it should be scary (extra scary for me since I despise bugs like crazy) but it's really not.The synopsis is very, very captivating. An Alice in Wonderland retelling? How cool is that?! This is actually the first and only one I've read. Honestly I'm kinda sick of princess retellings. LOL.Okay, so. One of the best things about this story is that the main character, Alyssa, is actually a descendant of THE Alice. Alyssa just goes to Wonderland AFTER Alice has visited it. Which is just so cool. I mean, the Disney version is kinda off..There was character development in Alyssa that I noticed and liked, and I love the fact that she KNOWS she's a different person afterwards. She was pretty useless in the beginning and she couldn't be alone. But afterwards, when she realized that no prince in shining armor was gonna save her, that she had to save herself, I liked her as a main character that much more. You can see her strength building up throughout the story.The beginning of this book was sort of slow, but maybe that's because I took forever to read this due to my procrastination.There were many plot twists, plot twists that just make you gasp out loud. I swear, A.G. Howard, what a great job! And this is a debut novel too! Her writing is just absolutely amazing. There was suspense and adventure, and that's what I love in a book!The romance was perfect, and I think a love triangle has already developed. Although, right now, it's clear who she wants to be with. Of course this is a series (series are the shit right now, I don't even know why), and tbh I can't wait to see what happens in the second book (although this would have done fine as a stand-alone), which I just found out a few seconds ago is called Unhinged and will be released in 2014. Pretty cool title, right? Overall, this was one hell of an awesome ride! Definitely a recommendation!